The Essence of Leadership: Inspiring as Electryone, Not Overpowering like Hercules

Lahiru Cooray
3 min readAug 13, 2023


Over the course of my 15-year career, I have undertaken numerous leadership roles. During my 5-year tenure as an Engineering head, I had the privilege of nurturing several emerging leaders. This article aims to impart some of my insights and strategies based on these experiences.

Leadership fundamentally revolves around empowering emerging leaders rather than exerting dominance. Hence, in this article, my focus will be on discussing the methods to cultivate new leaders, rather than delving into the pursuit of achieving personal stardom.

Recognize individual differences; comprehend character traits before offering assistance.

In distinguishing humans from machines, it’s essential to initially comprehend their character and background before attempting any form of transformation.

While natural leadership is a gift, the art of leadership can be cultivated.

While having a born leader within your team is indeed a luxury, individuals possessing the right attitude and a genuine drive to create a significant impact can readily undergo a transformation into becoming exceptional leaders.

Effective communication is crucial.

Proficiency in language is only part of the equation; what truly counts is effective communication. Creating an environment that treasures open communication and transparency is pivotal. This environment not only encourages the flow of ideas and information but also nurtures a culture where team members feel empowered to express their thoughts, contributing to the overall growth and cohesion of the team.

Integrate them seamlessly into the fabric of the company culture.

In the process of nurturing a leader, one of the primary considerations is their ability to adapt to the prevailing organizational culture. It becomes crucial to provide support and guidance to ensure their seamless integration into the cultural fabric of the company. By doing so, we enable them to not only understand but also embody the values, norms, and practices that define the organization’s identity, ultimately enhancing their effectiveness as a leader within the context of the company’s ethos.

Demonstrate a commitment to openness and transparency.

Openness, commitment, and transparency are attributes we hold in high regard for a company’s leadership. Primarily, we should set the precedent by embodying these qualities ourselves.

Incorporate your team consistently into the decision-making process.

In my perspective, leaders ought not to unquestioningly execute tasks as directed by their superiors. Rather, they should engage actively in the decision-making process and assume responsibility for outcomes that have been collectively agreed upon.

Impart all of your knowledge to your team members.

When addressing technical competencies, endeavor to provide them with a comprehensive understanding of your knowledge. Additionally, create opportunities for them to undergo training and upskilling, fostering their growth.

Embrace the risk of reliance, supporting through failures, and celebrating successes.

Emerging leaders often grapple with the fear of failure. It is imperative to offer unwavering support during their challenging moments, providing a steadfast presence when they encounter setbacks. Especially during the initial stages of their leadership journey, standing by them consistently despite repeated failures is vital. Equally important is the practice of celebrating their successes, reinforcing their confidence and fostering a resilient spirit in the face of both triumphs and trials.

Aim to develop a group of leaders you can rely on, even when your presence is not there.

Micro-management consumes valuable time. Cultivating a team of responsible leaders, accountable for their work, is both a luxury and an essential aspect to foster as a fundamental part of our organizational culture.

Strive to make your role replaceable by developing systems and empowering individuals to seamlessly take over your responsibilities.

Cultivating and grooming a team member with the potential to step into your role down the line serves as a proactive strategy for ascending the professional ladder. This approach not only secures a seamless transition but also demonstrates your leadership and mentorship skills, enhancing your profile and opportunities for growth within the organization.

The points highlighted in this article represent proven strategies that have personally enabled me to cultivate accomplished leaders in the industry. As the adage goes, “With great power comes great responsibility”. True leadership entails not merely issuing commands, but empowering others. Embrace this privilege as an opportunity to positively influence and enrich the lives of those around you.

